Income and Employment


about the income and employment group

North Fulton is a prosperous community, but it is significantly more expensive than the rest of the Metro Atlanta area. The average family of four needs an annual household income of at least $80,000–$90,000 in order to be financially stable in North Fulton. Below that threshold, families become financially vulnerable, or unable to recover from unexpected financial shocks. 

Over 60,000 families in North Fulton County are considered financially vulnerable. 

A variety of factors contribute to financial vulnerability, the most impactful in North Fulton being housing/rent payments and transportation. In perfect circumstances, these families would be just able to afford to live in North Fulton; however, a single unexpected expense or temporary loss of income could push them over the edge. The overwhelming majority of those seeking aid from local charitable organizations are families and individuals who are actively employed or who have worked in recent weeks. Among the most vulnerable are single-parent households, which account for 7.5% of North Fulton’s population as of 2017. 

North Fulton is home to a variety of unique businesses that contribute to its thriving economy, and many of these businesses rely on essential economy workers to function. The “essential economy” comprises six industries: (1) hospitality and restaurants, (2) agriculture and poultry, (3) light construction and landscaping, (4) personal care and assisted living, (5) building maintenance and facilities services, and (6) distribution and logistics. These industries are basic yet are integral to the functioning and quality of life of every community. 

However, despite their importance, the people working these lower-paying jobs are often the most vulnerable, and they often must leave their jobs in North Fulton for sustainable, long-term prospects in more affordable communities. Though low-income jobs are in constant supply, those who would be most willing to fill them cannot sustain themselves in North Fulton. 

The Income and Employment group at NFIN seeks to address the barriers that prevent people from filling these essential positions in our community. At the core of this work is the effort to ensure that North Fulton’s economy is thriving and beneficial for all participants. We want businesses to enrich our community through their success and to be able to support and value their workers who make that success possible. North Fulton can accomplish this goal through many paths, and we look to engage all sectors to improve quality of life for the residents and workers of our cities. 

We meet on the first Tuesday of each month from 1:00-2:00 PM. Contact us to share your perspective and support our efforts to make North Fulton a thriving community.

Check out our research and work: The 2019 Our Invisible Neighbors Report. 


  1. Create a comprehensive list of all available adult programs related to workforce development. 

  2. Execute an awareness campaign on resource availability and issues.

  3. Investigate available tax credits for business participation in state apprenticeship. 


Kathy Woerner
DownStreamFirst, LLC

Fireside Chats

Join NFIN and Alex Ruder of the Federal Reserve for a discussion on economic development, the benefits cliff, and the outlook for workforce post-COVID-19.

This event was held in September 2020 and marked the beginning of our Fireside Chat initiative.

NFIN’s sixth, seventh, and eighth Fireside Chats are part of a Workforce Series, each exploring one industry in North Fulton.

Dr. Jennie Ward-Robinson, CEO and President of the Alliance for Global Health Innovation moderates a discussion on the healthcare industry's workforce challenges in North Fulton, including the impact of the pandemic. Guests include Beth Cayce, Founder and CEO of CaraVita Health Care, and Jon-Paul Croom, President of WellStar North Fulton Hospital.

NFIN hosts a panel of local hospitality representatives from North Fulton for a discussion on the impact of COVID-19 on the hospitality industry. Guests include Ryan Pernice, Founder of RO Hospitality; and Andy Williams, Executive Director of Visit Roswell (Roswell Convention and Visitors Bureau).

Patti Dismukes (VP of Professional Services of HUNTER Technical) and Penny Collins (President & CEO, Women In Technology (WIT)) share progress in training and placement of women in the technology industry.